The Celtic Center

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe Celtic Christian tradition, both ancient and modern,  offers guidance and a home for seekers of union with God, others, and Self through a dialogue with Nature, God, and the Soul.   The ancient and modern Celtic disciplines, teachings, and way of life are a wonderful guide for those of the Christian faith as well as many contemplative and mystical traditions.   This perspective does not stand on dogma, rigid belief, or religious systems that are overly defined and confining, but instead expands into a glorious interdependence with God, Nature, Community, and Self.    The Celtic Center promotes and teaches Christian principles that resonate with many contemplative and mystic traditions across all human cultures.

Kirk Webb serves as the director of The Celtic Center.   You are wholeheartedly invited to visit The Celtic Center website for an opportunity to deepen your spiritual walk and explore Celtic spirituality.   You will find opportunities for reading, education, spiritual formation, and training to become a Spiritual Director.